Wild Venison

Wild Venison from Yorkshire

Located in the heart of game country, our venison is sourced exclusively from wild deer raised on the Harewood Estate in West Yorkshire. The fallow deer free roam over 4,000 acres of park and woodland, foraging naturally year-round on the wide variety of grasses, herbs and wildflowers that grow in wildlife-friendly hedgerows, grasslands and wetland habitats, particularly enjoying fruit, nuts and acorns in the autumn from veteran oak trees.

Swaledale Butchers® has been working with the Harewood Estate for many years; it’s a relationship we value greatly, and a connection much appreciated by our community of restaurant chefs. Having access to venison of this quality is yet another feather in the cap of the bountiful Yorkshire Dales.

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More about Wild Venison from Yorkshire 🦌

Fallow deer on the Harewood Estate are managed by low-intensity, traditional methods; this farm-assured, conservation grazing approach ensures that the Harewood Estate's fallow deer are free of synthetic growth hormones and that veterinary intervention is minimal. Wild venison provides more protein gram for gram than any other red meat, and this is largely down to the nutrient-dense diet that fallow deer will naturally forage for. Venison is a healthy, lean and tender meat which is packed full of flavour. Our expertly butchered selection of wild venison sausages, mince and steaks are delicious, healthy and ethically raised, and amongst the best of what’s farmed on the Yorkshire Dales.