Yorkshire's Finest Lamb
Shepherds have let their flocks free-roam on The Dales for generations, just as our farmers and smallholders still do today; working with an understanding of and respect for nature, and selecting their breeds accordingly. For all its beauty and bounty, the pastures of The Dales are not for the faint hearted.
The conditions in the Yorkshire Dales are suitable only for hardiest native breeds, well adapted to the terrain and able to withstand the cold in a way commercial lambs can not. Breeds like the iconic Swaledale, the Lonk, Dalesbred and Herdwick, migrate vast distances between valleys and hill tops, foraging as they go. They thrive on the lush grasses, wildflowers and herbs of The Dales; this natural diet and challenging landscape produces a smaller, darker-fleshed lamb with flavours reminiscent of the heathers and herbs on which they have grazed.
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More about Yorkshire's Finest Lamb
The benefits of Swaledale Butchers®
Always Fresh Never Frozen®
Orders received before 9am are freshly prepared and shipped DPD for next day delivery. We serve the whole of the UK excluding Channel Islands, Northern Ireland, and some parts of Scotland.
Unrivalled quality
Our meat has been celebrated in Britain's best restaurant kitchens for over ten years. There are many who claim to work with native breed farmers, but few who can prove it.
Sustainable & traceable
We have partnerships with selected farms and work with carefully selected local abattoirs so we have confidence in the welfare of the animals and full traceability of all our products.