Rolled Pork Leg joint roasted on quinces and apples, viewed from above with sides of creamed sprouts, sage roasted potatoes, braised red cabbage and apple sauce placed around.

The Spirit of Generosity ⭐

First let’s recognise that Christmas is personal, and feels different depending on how you spend it. More people than we acknowledge will be working on Christmas Day, the cogs keep turning so they have to snatch a slice of Christmas when they can.

Some delight in solitude, or spending time with just a few friends or family, to share a meal and a moment of quiet simplicity. Then there is the stereotypical gathering of the clans that can last for weeks, the blowing of the family bugle that summons relatives from all corners of the land to assemble, cracker in hand and ravenous at your dining table.

Christmas is your time to spend how you wish, and we encourage and salute you for this. If you strip it back, it's a celebration of life, and generosity of spirit, and culturally, we like to use food in our ceremony to mark this. Done in a way that speaks to your soul, A Christmas Meat Roast can be magic; Swaledale Butchers® is here to help you create the Christmas of your choosing, whether you’re cooking for one, or for a crowd.

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More about A Christmas Meat Roast 🧝🏼‍♀️

For us at Swaledale, it is the high quality, seasonal side of festive food that makes these few days so special and exciting. Stuffed birds, bread sauce, a gravy thickened with flour (and spiked with booze), fruit jelly, various treats wrapped in streaky bacon and the glory that are Brussel sprouts. The classic repertoire sometimes takes a bit of flack for being unexciting, however we couldn’t disagree more! Our turkeys and cockerels are seriously high-quality birds, with a real depth of flavour that distinguishes them from their commercially reared counterparts. Roasted and rested with care, these birds will be succulent and moist, and have you picking the carcass for every last shred of deliciousness. For those looking to put a spin on festive flavours, try roasting a cockerel Italian-style, with marsala wine and chestnuts in the roasting tray and a stuffing with parmesan and mortadella in its cavity. Braised lentils, roasted squash and cabbage completing the ensemble. One thing not to be overlooked with these birds is that their carcasses make the most excellent stocks. You can use them to power your feasting into the New Year!