• The Swaledale Nutritionist’s Meat Box

The Swaledale Nutritionist’s Meat Box


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We currently have 38 remaining in stock.
  • Delivered fresh
  • suitable for freezing
  • native breed
  • grass-fed
  • cook on the bbq

Product description

The Swaledale Nutritionist’s Meat Box has been expertly curated by Nutritional Therapist Phoebe Liebling BSc (Hons) DipNT mBANT rCNHC, and contains ingredients rich in essential vitamins and minerals, all selected to aid and support long term health.

Scientific research shows the importance of fuelling our bodies adequately at a cellular level, and that longevity of life and health fortification are just some of the many benefits that can result from a nutritious diet.

What's in the box?

  • 2 x 220g Featherblade Steaks
  • 2 x 180g Lamb Leg Steaks
  • 2 x 180g Flat Iron Steaks
  • 2 x 180g Onglet Steaks
  • 4 x 100g Minute Steaks
  • 1 x 500g pack Marrow Bones Canoes
  • 1 x 540g pack Minced Beef
  • 1 x 500g pack Diced Beef Shin
  • 1 x 350g pack Beef Liver, Sliced
  • 1 x 350g pack Lamb Liver
  • 2 x 1 kg pack Beef Bones
  • 1 x Ox Heart

Phoebe Liebling writes:
"When approaching dietary choices from a health perspective there are numerous well evidenced differences in nutritional value to grass-fed and grass-finished meat. The contents of The Swaledale Nutritionist’s Meat Box reflects a simple goal; to make our ingredient choices more efficient in terms of delivering both flavour and health fortification, but then there is also a note to be paid that some cuts provide further functional food influx into our routines. This is defined as health benefits in excess of their basic nutritional value. Read more below as to why I've selected the particular products I have.

Ox Heart
The nutrient rich heart contains therapeutically significant quantities of B-complex vitamins, iron, zinc and selenium in forms we can readily absorb. The specific combination of these cements the heart as a cardioprotective foodstuff, and also helps maintain optimal function of the nervous system and brain. It has a naturally low fat content making it a great choice for those who are tracking the overall balance of macronutrients within their diet.

Beef Bones
Large bones are abundant in minerals; they contain everything we need to reinforce our own skeletons, down to the connective tissue, muscles, joints, bones, skin, hair, eyes and gut integrity. When you gently simmer bones to make a broth, you extract all of that goodness in addition to elements of collagen and cartilage including glucosamine and chondroitin which prevent degradation of our joints. The amino acid gelatine gives stock its gelatinous quality but also holds water which encourages efficient gut transit. Bone broth is so nourishing for the gut that it is used as a first line treatment for inflammatory bowel disease.

Marrow Bone Canoes
Marrow is a delicious delicacy, but also a powerhouse providing vitamins A and K2, plus zinc, iron, boron, manganese, selenium, omega-3 and omega-6. In addition to contributing to the same benefits as bones, marrow has applications that quell chronic inflammation and protect against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis (MS).

Grass-fed Lamb
Grass-fed lamb is one of the richest sources of the mineral zinc available to us. Despite being a mineral our bodies urgently require, zinc is chronically lacking in most modern diets. Zinc insufficiency is a leading cause of fertility problems, poor immune function and appetite dysregulation to name a few concerns.

The key differentiator between intensively raised lamb and Swaledale Butchers' grass-fed lamb is the omega-3 content and its ratio to omega-6. Omega-3 is neuroenhancing, neuroprotective and vital for long term avoidance of disease, and it needs to be in balance with or preferable to omega-6 status to be able to action these benefits. Most standard diets will create a swing of 25:1 omega-6 to omega-3, so actively including food choices that counter this is incredibly important.

Grass-fed Beef
Grass-fed beef is preferable to grain-fed beef for its omega 3:6 ratio, as well as being naturally lower in saturated fat, which is important when promoting heart health. Saturated fat is an important inclusion in our diets but should only comprise 10% of total dietary fat intake, which grass-fed beef will happily contribute to but not exceed. Grass-fed beef also contains up to 400% more CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) than grain-fed beef; CLA guards against cardiovascular concerns and cancers whilst also aiding lean muscle mass maintenance and decreasing body fat percentage.

In terms of micronutrients, grass-fed beef shows higher levels of B-vitamins, the fat soluble vitamins A and E, and certain antioxidants such as beta-carotene that imbue the meat from the organic food the animals graze on too."

Cooking advice

The Swaledale Nutritionist’s Meat Box provides 12-14 meals, therefore we suggest planning some of them in advance to make the most of the ingredients. If this seems a bit daunting, don’t worry, chef George Ryle explains how he’d approach the contents of this meat box if he was cooking at home. George’s suggestions should help you to make the most of this box of highly nutritious goodies. Whichever dishes you choose to prepare, we hope you enjoy the journey.

First step is to decide what will be best eaten fresh, and what will freeze well. One ingredient that doesn't lend itself to sub-zero temperatures is liver, particularly if you like to eat it pink. With that in mind, plan to eat the ox and lamb livers fresh during the first week.

Prepare the ox heart whilst it's fresh. Take the heart and trim all of the hard white fat from the outside, this is pure fat and is perfect to render down and cook steak in. Break the heart into three pieces; the thinner flap on the outside and then the two main chambers. Then trim out all the arteries and capillary veins inside the heart until you reveal the dark, lean muscle. Cut the heart into steak-size pieces, approx. 180-200g each. Keep two pieces in the fridge for a fantastic salad in the first week and freeze the remaining pieces.

It's a great idea to roast and then simmer the bones to make a deeply nourishing and rich beef stock. This will keep in the fridge for up to a week or freeze.

Chef's suggestions

Chef George Ryle menu

  • Lamb liver with sage butter is perfect with parmesan-enriched polenta or some simple borlotti beans simmered in stock.
  • Thai-style grilled ox liver is a super tasty way of preparing the liver, with plenty of the spicy sauce over the top.
  • Take 150g of both the lamb and beef livers for an epic offal ragù, perhaps with a little of the heart and maybe half the diced shin. Plenty of onions, garlic, a splash of marsala wine and beef stock, simmered for hours until meltingly tender. It will be perfect tossed through some fresh tagliatelle. Half of the cooked ragù could be frozen for a later date.
  • A dish of lamb leg steaks, cooked to medium, with a side of Swiss chard wilted in garlic and olive oil, and then dressed with black olives and lemon zest, would be a mighty fine option.
  • A particular favourite of mine is minute steaks in the style of Chinese crispy chilli beef, super fun and super delicious.
  • You can use the mince and some of the beef stock for meatballs in a Thai hot and sour soup, a dish sure to cleanse the body and soul.


In her book, ‘Younger You: Reduce your Bio Age and Live Longer, Better’, Dr Kara Fitzgerald writes an account of her age-reversal programme, and shines a spotlight on a biochemical process called methylation. Methylation is happening in every cell of our bodies, all the time; it’s what makes and repairs our DNA, activates and deactivates specific genes, and what, on a cellular level, our bodies must do in order to survive.

Over the course of our lifetimes, our cellular methylation becomes less efficient and our ageing bodies become more vulnerable to Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease, and even mental health imbalances. Dr Fitzgerald states that liver is “an astonishing powerhouse source of methylation-friendly nutrients…No other food matches liver’s broad-spectrum methylation support”.

On the topic of survival, Bear Grylls is often the first name that springs to mind. He’s made a living from surviving in the wild, but is also very considered about how he fuels his body at home. Once an advocate of plant-based eating, Bear Grylls has returned to a scientifically backed nutritional framework that embraces red meat, eggs, dairy and honey. Bear realised that to maintain his health and energy levels as he aged, and achieve peak performance long term, he needed to nourish and support his body with a more nutrient rich diet, “I’ve started incorporating quality grass-fed steak and liver. My lunch is meat, eggs and dairy, a lot of butter, and fruit. I have liver probably every other day. I started to get strong again”.

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